

江易錚 教授


1997年經教育部資賦優異保送台灣天主教輔仁大學。畢業後,負笈英國皇家伯明罕音樂院(MA in Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, UK)獲得碩士學位,並於2006,獲得英國伯明罕大學(Ph.D, University of Birmingham, UK)音樂博士。曾師事蔡盛通教授、蘇凡凌教授、 John MayerDr. Joe Cutler Dr. Erik Oña以及 Dr. Scott Wilson。鋼琴曾師事徐頌仁教授。現為國立臺灣藝術大學國際事務處處長、聲響藝術實驗中心主任、音樂系專任副教授。

曾獲多項獎項,包含Judith Lang Zaimont國際作曲比賽得主(2009)、獲選 英國最重要現代音樂機構 SPNM(Society for the Promotion of New Music)作曲家 名單(composers’ shortlist 2005-2008)、臺灣教育部文藝創作獎室內樂組優選(2004) 及合唱/重唱組佳作(2005)、英國UMS (University Music Society)作曲比賽得主 (2004)、獲選許常惠基金會傑出青年作曲家(2004)。研究獎方面包含: 國立臺 灣藝術大學100104學年度教師獎勵學術研究與創作發表第一級獎,以及101學 年度專題研究補助獎。曾獲得多項獎學金,包括 88 年度慈濟獎學金音樂類、英國 皇家伯明罕音樂院國際學生 入學獎學金(2001-2)、連續兩年獲取英國伯明罕大學 包 博 國 際 學 生 獎 學 金 ( Barber Scholarship for International Postgraduate Students ,2003-4/2004-5)等。

作品於英國、美國、中國及台灣被發表主要包含「大臺北藝術節」當代藝術雙年展(台灣/2019)、「大觀國際表演藝術節」(台灣/2018)、美國PASIC(Percussive Arts Society International Convention ,美國/2014)International Alliance for Women in Music (中國北京/2008) 、「臺灣現代論壇(十七):江易錚 【川】」台灣/2007、台灣許常惠基金會「冬季念許」音樂會 (臺灣台北/2007)、英國Kreutzer String Quartet發表演出(英國/2005)、管絃樂”Edging”於英國伯明罕Adrian Boult 音樂廳受邀演出英國/2005、英國UMS summer festival(英國/2004)、連續兩年受邀於英國伯明罕現代音樂室內樂團 (Birmingham Contemporary Music Group,簡稱BCMG) 合作(英國/2003,2004)許常惠基金會傑出青年作曲家獲選音樂會台灣/2004,Taiwan...等。


Email: ycchiang@ntua.edu.tw



Born in Taiwan in 1979, Yi-Cheng had been received a scholarship from Tzu-Chi Buddhist Foundation to study her Bachelor at Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan. She came to England to continue her master degree (MA) with the scholarship for new students from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and studied with Joe Cutler and undertook studies at the University of Birmingham, where she was awarded a Ph.D. in Musical Composition in 2006 and under the supervision of Erik Oña and Scott Wilson. Yi-Cheng was awarded the Barber scholarship from University of Birmingham 2003-4 /2004-5.

Yi-Cheng has won awards including the prize winner of Judith Lang Zaimont
International Composition Competition,(2009), had been selected in composers’ shortlist by SPNM(Society for the Promotion of New Music,UK) from 2005 to 2008,Tsang-Houei Hsu composition competition in Taiwan(2004), the prize winner of literary and artistic creation of Taiwan(National Taiwan Arts Education Centre) in Ensemble( 2004) and in Chorus (2005), the winner of UMS Composition Competition of University of Birmingham(2004),etc.

Yi-Cheng’s music has been numerously performed by ensembles in the UK, USA,China and Taiwan, including PASIC(USA/2014),the International Congress on Women in Music(Beijin,China/2008),the Kreutzer Quartet(UK/2005 ), BCMG [Birmingham Contemporary Music Group]( UK/2003 and 2004), the UMS Philharmonic Orchestra(UK/2005), the Concert for Taiwanese Young Composers (Taiwan/2004) and the winter concert by the cultural and arts foundation of Tsang-Houei Hsu(Taiwan/2007), Forum of Contemporary Music in Taiwan(17)—Yi-Cheng Chiang(Taiwan/2007), etc.

Yi-Cheng is currently an associate professor in Musical composition at National Taiwan University of Arts.

Contact information:
Email: ycchiang@ntua.edu.tw